You and I Can Do Better
There are moments of realization we all experience when we see the truth, and recognize that all this time we have been living a lie.
This concept that the truth will set you free comes from this understanding.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on You and I Can Do Better
There are moments of realization we all experience when we see the truth, and recognize that all this time we have been living a lie.
This concept that the truth will set you free comes from this understanding.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on You Are Pretending You Have A Problem
Can you grasp the concept that you are pretending you have a problem?
You will need to realize that no matter what the issues, it is only the perception coming from the beliefs you hold to be true.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on Your Self-Image Is Only The Imagined
You are nothing more and nothing less than complete stillness without identity. I realize for most this seems to be an absurd statement, yet when it is realized, you are freed from the pain and suffering, which accompanies the imagined self.
I wanted to go deeper into the belief of a self–image. Most of us can grasp that we have a self-image, but what does that actually mean? So let’s look at this.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on Two Keys To Health
Two Keys To Health. We take a lot for granted when it comes to our bodies. We ignore the signs and symptoms of illness and disease, thinking that the body is going to take care of it.
Sadly we don’t want to take responsibility for our bodies, and so just go about choking down all manner of what are labeled as foods, yet in actuality are toxic to our bodies.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on A New Beginning, Needs A New You
A New Beginning, Needs A New You. Do you feel stuck in the same day-to-day habits and routines? So much so that you can see the challenges they are causing with your health and wellbeing yet you feel almost powerless to change them. First off I want you to know that this just isn’t so. You have all the ability needed to change, in fact all you have to do is decide to change, and you can.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on When All Is Lost
It feels like the most terrible thing to lose everything. We of course use that phrase incorrectly, to get across how emotionally devastating a situation is.
It may happen that we lose our jobs, or our homes are destroyed by fire, flood, or earthquakes, our money is gone, or we lose a loved one to divorce, or death.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on Why Hold On To The Moment
Something wonderful happens and we want it to last forever. We even label it as a special moment in time. We always use it as a yardstick in which we measure all other events against. The challenge is most all other events can never live up to the special events. Our days and years turn into waiting and hoping for other special events to come along so we can get our fix.
All this is complete lunacy and causes so much unhappiness in our day-to-day lives because they cannot compare to that special event.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on The Crippling Effect Of Belief
Aren’t we conditioned to believe that belief is important? That we must believe to make things come true? We must have faith and believe that all will work out?
This may feel like blasphemy, however, with a deeper awakening to your True Nature, there will be a letting go of believing and an opening of surrendering and accepting.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on Allow The Concept To Be Without Getting In The Way
We all have goals and dreams we would like to achieve. For some, it is wealth, others health, and for others love. The intention is neither here nor there. All of it is coming from a mental/emotional belief that there is no wholeness to our identity. The lack of wholeness is expected to be filled once the goal is achieved.
This is not the case, however. For once we have achieved a goal no matter how amazing, the feeling of completeness will not last. Some other concept of not being complete will be felt.
Written by katelyn on . Posted in Health and Wellness. No Comments on Only Witnessing the Reflection On A Pond
Imagine you are standing in the forest, and come across a pond. The pond surface is completely still, and surrounded by trees up to its banks. You observe everything without involvement. The trees are just trees, the pond just a pond. It is seen as it truly is without attachment of personalized meaning.