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Tag: David Fresilli

You Are Only Awareness

Awareness is your actual existence and actual experience. This means you do not exist as something referred to as a person. The only thing occurring is the witnessing of experience.

This may take a bit of explaining. Although it must be said that it is impossible to actually express what we are because what we are is nothing that can be explained, or understood.

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Surrender Your Suffering

I know you want to be free of illness and disease. I know you want to have a healthy body. I know you want to have a happy life experience. Who in their right mind does not want these things?

Then why is it when we don’t want something it still remains with us? It is because through our attention to what we don’t want we give it life to remain. We have spoken of this before, haven’t we?

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The Leaves Are Changing, The Tree Does Not Weep

Change is constant.

You are not the changing experience you are what witness’s the change without attachment or meaning.

Autumn is upon us and everywhere there are signs of the changing season. Here in Southern Oregon, it happened overnight. One day I was speaking to a client, as we looked out over the trees which were still green and the next day several trees right in front of the studio turned yellow and red. It was as if they needed to be reminded of the season change and their part to play.

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You Keep Putting Up Walls

You are getting in your own way. Have you ever felt like that? You keep putting up walls around you and you feel more and more isolated.

What are these walls? They are nothing but thoughts of lack and resistance. They may have more of a story to them, such as I can’t find someone to love me, or I try but I always fail. It does not matter what the story is, it always come back to the original source of not feeling whole or complete, or in another word Loved.

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Realize You Are Not

The health of the body and the wellbeing of the mind are in direct proportion to realizing you are not the mind or the body. I have a feeling that is a bit confusing to most.

We say the body is a servant to the mind. By this it is understood that whatever thoughts the mind chronically holds on to, or if there is a acute experience that creates a deep emotional belief, the body will begin to express the underlying thought. No matter what the catalyst is the core emotion or belief is one of insecurity, or lack of wholeness. This could be understood as; I am not good enough, healthy enough, wealthy enough, smart enough, etc.

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Brave Enough to Let Go

Let’s go deep; I am speaking about deep into the recesses of the ego that hold the ignorance of who we believe ourselves to be.

Why do this, when it is the one place where none of us want to go? Because it is the birthplace of our pain and suffering. It is the place in which we create thoughts that hold us back from the joy and love, health and wellbeing and abundance we are always saying we want and deserve. It is only through this hero’s journey as phrased by Joseph Campbell, that we will emerge victorious as our True Nature.

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Senses Without Conditions

Most all of us have the gift of six senses to experience the world of phenomena. Even those who may not have the function of sight or hearing have developed an elevated ability in some of the other senses.

Our senses alone do not have the ability to do anything other than what their function is. That is sight can only take in images, hearing can only take in sound, etc. The senses do not have the ability to label, judge, or create an attachment to or an identity with their functions. This means the eyes as an organ of sight cannot decided whether something is pleasing or scary, joyful or upsetting. This is true for all the senses.

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