If you take a close look at how you feel about things including everything from thoughts to daily occurrences, you will realize that it is the ego that labels and judges. Through this labeling and judgment meaning is given as a way to support and protect the existence of the ego. Things will be labeled and judged as good, bad, or indifferent based on the beliefs that make up the ego.
A great many times when speaking with clients the question is asked, “What kind of supplements can I take to get better results?” It is a fair question. We know that supplements in their design whether natural or man-made, support the body in its abilities to function and heal.
So much of the time we are speaking to health and fitness. Let us now give our attention to what is referred to as wellbeing.
When we think about health and fitness it is directed to the body and the condition of its physical state. Is the body healthy, and is it fit? We look to see if there is any dysfunction, illness, or disease. Then we test the body’s condition of stability, strength, power, balance, speed, agility, and flexibility. These physical attributes are referred to as Bio-motor abilities. Based on these subjective and objective attributes we then can determine the levels of health and fitness.
It can only be the idea you have of yourself that is causing resistance to awakening to your health and wellbeing.
You have without knowing it created an identification with the past, present, and future, and have created a character that is suffering from its own ideas about itself.
It seems as if we are always comparing ourselves and our life experience to everyone else’s. We use this comparison as a justification that we are doing what everyone else is doing and so we can keep believing we are okay.
Please stop using the norm and average as a baseline for what is good and acceptable.
What does it mean to live a life of health and wellness? For many, this is only a partially formed concept. Thoughts of eating healthy come to mind but the specifics are not there. Then thoughts of exercise surface, but lacking any clear-cut steps. Very seldom are the thoughts of sleep, hydration, and breathing occurring when associations of health and wellness are considered. Lastly, our own self-image i.e. who we believe ourselves to be is almost certainly unrealized as the most important component in living a health and wellness lifestyle.
The reason you don’t make the changes in health and wellness is because you feel you have time, so you keep putting it off. You ignore the lesser symptoms of declining health and wellness with all sorts of excuses.
What if you didn’t have anymore time? If it was life or death you would step into a healthy lifestyle wouldn’t you?
We see this many times when folks are diagnosed with life threatening diseases. It may have taken several years or even decades of poor lifestyle habit that were causing lesser symptom before it got to the point of no return. Then the diagnosis is given and all of a sudden the person is asking how did this happen?
In most cases when we experience fear it is unnecessary. Yet for most of us it stops us in our tracks from moving forward in creating what we desire.
When you can recognize the fear and still move forward, you grow. You grow in your awareness in recognizing most fears are only the by-product of your perceptions.
This means your self-image, or ego determines your perceptions and creates a fear based thought process to stop you from moving forward.
Many of us hold onto concepts of what we believe or have been conditioned to believe is the picture of good health. We then compare everything in our lives to this concept, and when it falls short we feel less.