You have all heard about whether a home is energy efficient. You can have someone come to your home and check it for leaks in which the home is leaking heat. You will be told about energy efficient appliances, and ways to create a more energy saving home.
We have spoken much about creating health and wellness. So much of your health and wellbeing is contingent on knowing that you already are, even though the outward expression of the body and life experience may not be reflecting it.
It’s time for your monthly check up. How have you been doing with creating a healthy mind and body? Are you feeling a deeper sense of wellbeing?
Everyday when I work with clients whether in the studio or online the first question I ask is tell me how you are doing with your health and wellbeing?
Regardless of what you see, hear, and experience, you would like to only focus attention on what you desire to manifest.
It can be so challenging when we are caught up in some heavy thoughts and emotions, to remember that this is the time to keep our attention in Beingness. If not in Beingness then let us only place thoughts into what we desire to create in our life experience.
What to speak of today? There is so much we have covered in this past two years since beginning.
Surely you must have by now had moments of deeper insight during our conversations. Inspired thoughts drift up from the unknown, which have stimulated a deeper awakening within you.
The message is very simple. Awaken to what you are. Heal the mind and body. Realize you are an integrated being of spirit, mind, and body. Your primary purpose is to awaken to your true nature, your secondary purpose is to then experience, express your true nature in the physical world.
I received an asking to speak about self-discipline and setting goals, so let’s talk about this.
We have been told how important self-discipline is to achieving a goal, and we have also heard without goals there is no path to follow. If there is not a goal, then there can be no direction or focus of attention to achieve.
You and I always speak to the highest truth and in doing so unravel the beliefs we are holding onto that are causing the challenges in our life existence.
This last weekend I was asked to participate in the Second Annual Longevity Conference, in Medford, Oregon.
Holistic Health & Fitness was just one of many health and wellness companies who presented ways to heal the body and some of the cutting edge work being done in genetics, nutrition, supplementation, and nutriceuticals.
Throughout every presentation there were common denominators mentioned to promote longevity. Can you guess what they were? Stress, inflammation, lifestyle, nutrition, and mind set.
Let us share now, the power that you are that is the substance and life of all that you create.
We have spoken about how powerful the mind is and that it is through thoughts we create our life experience. Remember our life experience includes our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, body, and circumstances that occur in our day-to-day experiences.
However the delusional mind has no life unto itself. It cannot exist without you as life itself giving yourself to it.