Health and wellness is a lifestyle, you may have heard me say this before. We are wanting you to recognize that your lifestyle is creating your health and wellness, or lack there of.
When most folks decide to make changes in their lives it seems to come with a price. Take for instance making the decision to get healthy and fit. There is the moment of motivation that moves you effortlessly into the decision “ I’m going to start eating healthy and working out. I’m ready, I can feel it”.
Let’s begin again. You, (your higher “Self” that is reading all this is the eternal part of you, and is optimum health, fitness, and wellbeing.
When I say “is” it means the higher Self or Beingness in its natural state is optimum health, fitness, and wellbeing.
The delusional mind will then ask, “ Well, if that is true, and I am always the higher – Self then why am I dealing health issues, weight issues, poor fitness, or injuries, and not feeling any sense of well-being?”