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Tag: Holistic Lifestyle Coach and Corrective Exercise Specialist

There Is No Body Without You

You are right now flowing your whole life force into a mind and body. How does that feel for you?

It is a different way of looking at who you think you are isn’t it? It points you to another feeling that you are the mind or body, but it is you who are giving life to them.

Yet, the experience will most probably dissolve into you thinking you are a person again. You’re not though. You are a spirit, giving life to the instruments of mind and body.

This is all done so that you as Beingness can experience itself in form.

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You Are Already Healthy, Fit, & Well

Let’s begin again. You, (your higher “Self” that is reading all this is the eternal part of you, and is optimum health, fitness, and wellbeing.

When I say “is” it means the higher Self or Beingness in its natural state is optimum health, fitness, and wellbeing.

The delusional mind will then ask, “ Well, if that is true, and I am always the higher – Self then why am I dealing health issues, weight issues, poor fitness, or injuries, and not feeling any sense of well-being?”

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Being Grateful Right Now

Being Grateful for all that has happened in the past should be a confirmation to be grateful for what is happening right now.

When was the last time you said or thought, “ I am so grateful for everything that has happened to me in the past”? Why is it that we feel this way? We certainly didn’t feel that way when we were going through it, were we?

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Posture Of The Spirit Mind & Body

You and I have spoken before on how important posture is for the body’s overall health.

If we expand the same concept out to the spirit and mind you will begin to see that posture holds the same significance to your overall sense of wellbeing.

As a review, let’s start from the bottom up and review some of the physical aspects of posture on the body.

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