Two Keys To Health. We take a lot for granted when it comes to our bodies. We ignore the signs and symptoms of illness and disease, thinking that the body is going to take care of it.
Sadly we don’t want to take responsibility for our bodies, and so just go about choking down all manner of what are labeled as foods, yet in actuality are toxic to our bodies.
I wonder how many of you are really getting the meaning of giving your body what it needs to heal and be healthy?
It seems like such a simple realization, yet have you stepped into it? If not that is okay, however, I then want to ask what is missing in your understanding?
Most all of us have the gift of six senses to experience the world of phenomena. Even those who may not have the function of sight or hearing have developed an elevated ability in some of the other senses.
Our senses alone do not have the ability to do anything other than what their function is. That is sight can only take in images, hearing can only take in sound, etc. The senses do not have the ability to label, judge, or create an attachment to or an identity with their functions. This means the eyes as an organ of sight cannot decided whether something is pleasing or scary, joyful or upsetting. This is true for all the senses.
Let us cut to the chase. You and I have been together long enough. If you have been truly hearing what has been presented over the last few years, it is clear enough that if you are holding onto to an identity as a person with its beliefs and attachments you will hold yourself back from manifesting and enjoying health and wellness.
A Writer writes, it is not about being published, or how the person believes everyone else see him or her as a writer. If someone asks, “How do I become a writer”, the answer is “you write”.
Most of us are wrapped up in what we think of ourselves and we then project this onto what we think others see ourselves as.
Let go of everything and you will realize that all the thoughts you have been holding onto have been holding you back. This is causing resistance from health and wellbeing fully manifesting in your life.
Can you right now even as you are reading or listening, release any hold you have on all thoughts and concepts of who you are? What does that even mean, you may be wondering?
We have heard that it is a Universal truth that to give is to receive. This goes against everything the ego / Self – image is based upon, which is; it must continually receive and be equally greedy to get what it wants. The ego is always in a state of lack. There will be momentary experiences when it feels fulfilled however, shortly after it will be in need again.
If I say to you just be health, just be fitness, just be wellbeing, and abundance, what happens?
If you are searching for health, fitness, wellbeing, and abundance instead of realizing you are it, then you are creating the assumption that because you are not experiencing it; it is something outside of yourself that has to be found.